Source code for ska_tmc_cdm.messages.subarray_node.scan

The scan module defines simple Python representations of the structured
request for a TMC SubArrayNode.Scan command.
from typing import Optional

from pydantic import model_validator
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass

__all__ = ["ScanRequest"]

# The Mid and Low schema should be identical but with the addition of
# subarray_id to Low Scan schema version 4.0, the two schemas have
# diverged. In the future these schemas should be combined into one
# non-telescope specific schema.

[docs]@dataclass(kw_only=True) class ScanRequest: """ ScanRequest represents the JSON for a SubArrayNode.scan call. :param interface: Interface URI. Defaults to for Mid and for Low :param transaction_id: optional transaction ID :param subarray_id: the numeric SubArray ID :param scan_id: integer scan ID """ interface: Optional[str] = None transaction_id: Optional[str] = None subarray_id: Optional[int] = None scan_id: int @model_validator(mode="after") def set_default_schema(self) -> "ConfigureRequest": if self.interface is None: if self.subarray_id is None: self.interface = MID_SCHEMA else: self.interface = LOW_SCHEMA return self